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LaMa Walks is guided by three core values:
  1. Safety
  2. Respect
  3. Responsibility (social and environmental)


These values influence our company policies, as well as our code of conduct. LaMa Walks policies and code of conduct outline the expectations of both clients and LaMa Walks in any adventure. All LaMa Walks guests will be expected to adhere to these, and sign a copy of it prior to their trip.


1. Safety
  • All LaMa Walks staff members are covered by insurance while on LaMa Walks trips.

  • All guests will be accompanied on their adventure by qualified and experienced staff.

  • LaMa Walks guests are strongly encouraged to obtain travel and medical insurance, including evacuation; however, this is the responsibility of each guest. Guests are requested to share insurance details with the LaMa Walks office in case of emergency. Emergency trip charges will be at the guest’s expense, so insurance is helpful in this respect.

  • All guests must disclose all medical information, including health conditions and medication to the company in advance of their trip so that their guide can take any required special measures to ensure safety.

  • Guests will not take any medicine on their trip without informing their guide, to ensure guides do not provide any medicine that could negatively interact, in the case that a guest becomes ill.

  • All LaMa Walks staff members will be outfitted in safe and appropriate gear.

  • Guests must listen to their guide, and abide by the guide’s instructions. The guide is a professional and their word is final on trip decisions.

2. Respect
  • Guests are expected to respect the staff on their trip, others’ trips, other trekkers, and of course, the local communities, customs and culture.

  • Any special needs, such as diet, should be shared with LaMa Walks in advance of a trip so that the company and guide can make the required arrangements.

  • Trips are planned carefully, well in advance, in consultation with guests, taking their interests and priorities into account. Once the trip has begun this plan must be followed except in emergencies or extenuating circumstances.

  • Guests may not spilt off from the main group and trek alone, or attempt to create two groups with different schedules or routes. 


3. Social and environmental responsibility
  • LaMa Walks practices leave no trace and does not use single use plastic bottles. Guests will be provided with a reusable LaMa Walks water bottle to use for the duration of their trip.

  • All LaMa Walks staff are paid fair wages, in line with, or slightly above industry standard, in accordance with their qualification and experience.

  • A deposit of 50% of the total cost of a trip is required to be made by guests at least 1 month in advance of their trip. Deposits are non-refundable, as they cover the time commitment of staff, who will be unavailable for other work once the trip is booked. Ensuring that staff are not negatively impacted by last minute cancellations and miss out on limited opportunities to work is an important part of being socially responsible and treating hard-working mountain staff fairly. There won't be any REFUND once the trip has started no matter what the circumstance is. There will be full REFUND if the trip is cancelled by LaMa Walks.

© 2017 by LaMa Walks.

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